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Es increíble, y uno de los programas más potentes e imaginativos que hay "The Gimp", open source y GPL, no es excesivamente conocido en entornos Windows, aunque bastante popular en otros entornos, como Linux o FreeBSD. Este popular paquete, primo de PhotoShop, puede utilizarlo en Windows, bastando instalar estos paquetes...

Si fuéramos a la página principal de descargas del programa:


Donde podremos consultar la última versión, observaos que debemos descargar, primero las GTK, e instalarlas, después, The Gimp, y ya está!

Pruébalo y te sorprenderá.


Stable version download

This is the recommended version of Gimp.
The Gimp binary available from this page was compiled for Pentium MMX or better CPUs. !--

Warning: anti-virus wrongly reports that the installers are infected with Win32/Rbot.EQY!Worm. This is a screwup on their part, and you won't be able to install the GIMP until they fix it.

* The GIMP for Windows (version 2.2.14, updated installer) 7684 kB If this is the first time you're installing The GIMP, you will also need GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment below.

Download d0da4f520cf5235d24f36ad221974bbd

* GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment (version 2.10.6, for Windows 2000 and newer) 5539 kB This package is required to run The GIMP on Windows 2000 and newer. If you have older version of Windows, install GTK+ 2.6 instead.

Download 4a7aa340dd98a05f7f0525cc8c3af8ee

* GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment (version 2.6.10-20050823, for Windows 98/ME and NT4) 3557 kB This package is required if you want to run The GIMP on Windows 98, ME or NT4. It is recommended to use GTK+ 2.10 on Windows 2000 and newer.

Download d757d14c18e8aba315023a30d64acad4

Fuente: LinuxParty.

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