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Platform es un pequeño servidor Linux, especialmente orientado a las
PyMES "pequeñas y medianas empresas" que le permiten
gestionar todos sus servicios de red, como cortafuegos, DHCP, DNS, VPN,
proxy, IDS, correo, compartición de archivos e impresora, VoIP,
mensajería instantánea y mucho más. Estas
funcionalidades están estrechamente integradas, con la automatización de
tareas, evitando errores y ahorrando tiempo a los administradores de
sistemas. En este artículo se le mostrará paso a paso cómo
usar eBox como
una puerta de enlace gateway), con configuración balanceo de carga de
red entre
dos conexiones a Internet con WAN failover y reglas en la política de
enrutamiento multigateway, balanceando el tráfico. Y además dispondrá de
un servidor de DHCP y
DNS cache para la red LAN y proxy HTTP con políticas de
filtrado de contenidos y antivirus.
eBox Platform is the Linux small business server that allows you to manage all your network services like firewall, DHCP, DNS, VPN, proxy, IDS, mail, file and printer sharing, VoIP, IM and much more. These functionalities are tightly integrated, automating most tasks, avoiding mistakes and saving time for system administrators. This article will show you step by step how to use eBox as a Gateway, featuring network configuration, load balancing between two Internet connections with WAN failover and multigateway rules for policy routing, traffic shaping, DHCP and DNS cache for the LAN network and HTTP proxy with different content filtering policies and antivirus.

eBox Platform is the Linux small business server that allows you to manage all your network services like firewall, DHCP, DNS, VPN, proxy, IDS, mail, file and printer sharing, VoIP, IM and much more. These functionalities are tightly integrated, automating most tasks, avoiding mistakes and saving time for system administrators. This article will show you step by step how to use eBox as a Gateway, featuring network configuration, load balancing between two Internet connections with WAN failover and multigateway rules for policy routing, traffic shaping, DHCP and DNS cache for the LAN network and HTTP proxy with different content filtering policies and antivirus.

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