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Un lector nos remite un enlace y fotos de una serie de gigantescos rascacielos y edificios abandonados, hay que reconocer que las imágenes son realmente impresionantes.

Ryugyong Hotel Un lector nos remite un enlace y fotos de una serie de gigantescos rascacielos y edificios abandonados, hay que reconocer que las imágenes son realmente impresionantes.

Fotos de SE9:

Fotos de vertigo:

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 810x609.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 810x610.

En Google earth:

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1112x622.

2º: TV Tower Yekaterinburgo, Rusia.

220 metros.

"The TV Tower Yekaterinburg is a 220 metre high incomplete TV Tower of reinforced concrete at Yekaterinburg. Its construction was started at the end of the eighties and it should get a height of more than 400 metres. Unfortunately money went out at the beginning of the nineties and the tower remained in form as a 220 metre high column of concrete."

3º: Book Tower. Detroit, EE.UU.

El caso de Detroit es complicado: hay muchos edificios cuasi abandonados con planes de rehabilitación pero que no acaban de arrancar, por éso hay duda de si están abandonados o no.

145 metros
38 pisos

Información en Emporis

4º: Broderick Tower. Detroit, EE.UU

113 metros
35 pisos

Información en Emporis

"The Broderick Tower stands empty today. As there is recent talk of developing a loft community using the numerous vacant buildings in the Woodward and Grand Circus Park area, there is talk of its conversion into loft space"

5º: Skieletor. Krakovia, Polonia

91 metros, 24 plantas

"Szkieletor is the unofficial name of a 91 metre high highrise building in Kraków, Poland, originally intended to become headquarters of Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna. The construction of the building was started in 1975, but was stopped in 1981, because of economical reasons. Due to the unfinished building's resemblance to a skeleton, it was nicknamed after Skeletor, arch-villain in a 1980s cartoon, He-Man.

In recent years, several investors were interested with the building, but they became discouraged with complicated legal status of the parcel it stands on, as well as high cost of its demolition or adaptation.

It is located near the Rondo Mogilskie and Cracow University of Economics. At present it is the tallest building in the city."

Información en Emporis

6º: Piraeus Tower. Pirea, Grecia

84 metros
24 plantas

"It was abandoned when there was a fatal error in the engineering. It still stands today. But there was a reconstruction proposed"

Información en Emporis


7º: Michigan Central Station, Detroit, EE.UU

70 metros
18 pisos

Informción en Emporis


Edificios en Varosha, la ciudad abandonada por la crisis entre Chipre y Grecia

Book-Cadillac Hotel. Detroit, EE.UU

32 plantas

Otro edificio abandonado en Detroit. Lo de esta ciudad es increíble. Hay muchísimos más.

Chernobyl, la ciudad abandonada


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